The ConnectedDrive From BMW’s

by Alex

The new fancy upgrade for BMW’s ConnectedDrive has some good news for both the car the system owners.  Now owners of both will be in a position to connect their Blackberry phones using the Bluetooth connectivity to the system. Post successful pairing iDrive would display the email contents downloaded in the Blackberry phone on the system’s LCD screen.

You may also avail of the voice output function if you are not willing to read the mail yourself. The voice output function can read out your email loud for you. Thus, it permits you to easily listen to the mails being read while you are driving. If you are tech geek, you are sure to love new ConnectedDrive system.

Regrettably, this new upgrade so far is only compatible with the Blackberry. Hence, if you don’t use Blackberry this upgrade adds no value to you. The the Pearl 3G is the first Blackberry to be supported by ConnectedDrive. However, lads at BB the Pearl 3G will soon be joined by other Blackberry phones in the near future. Therefore, you still have the time to join the Blackberry bandwagon if you have not already done so before the new email reading feature of BMW’s ConnectedDrive hits dealerships this fall.

Source: topspeed

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