Jeep reports lighter and thriftier 2018 Wrangler will have its own platform

by SpeedLux
Photos of 2015 Jeep Wrangler

Jeep has been regarded as one of the rough and tough manufacturer of cars since they are well known for their all terrain compatible cars that can able to withstand conditions on any kind of roads and also they can able to withstand any climatic conditions. The wrangler range of cars from the manufacture has already created their own benchmark for the all terrain cars where it will be the first choice for most people. Recently, on discussion with the boss of jeep mike Manley, he added that they are moving to the next generation with their range of cars.

To justify with this fact, he adds that they are going to come up with the types of cars that are light weight. On making this way, they have come up with the new light weight aluminum body types that can able to provide the load characteristics with the reduced weight features. Speaking more, 2018 Wrangler will be developed in a brand new platform that is owned proprietary by jeep, rather than going for fiat platform in their range of cars. He added that there will be no compromise made in the performance aspects since they have come up with the right model at right time.

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