90 Years of Maybach- Part 3

by Sweta

Inspiring peace:

The quietness and smoothness of the potent Twelve cylinders in the car, model Zeppelin, impressed the critics at the time of the trade press as well as the customers. Particularly noteworthy was the relatively significant sales success of the Zeppelin type DS 7 (DS stands for double-six) and DS 8: A total of 183 units were sold, while Daimler-Benz only 119 “Grand Mercedes” deposed.

Even otherwise, it brought the Maybach cars, thanks to innovative technology and individual bodies of renowned specialists such as Spohn (Ravensburg), Kellner (Berlin), glasses (Dresden), Auer (Stuttgart) and Erdmann & Rossi (Berlin) among connoisseurs quickly into an extraordinary aura , the next film stars and industrialists, royalties, and maharajas enthusiastic.

Individual works of art:

As with almost all other luxury brands from this so-called “golden age” of the automobile every Maybach was an individually-composed work of art, in which only the imagination and the financial strength of the buyer set the limits of feasibility. Costliest Maybach was a sedan with gold and ruby ​​ornaments for the 1928 no less than 186 000 Reichsmarks were calculated – this is approximately equivalent to the purchase price of five super sports cars of the new model Mercedes-Benz SSK, or 125 units of the legendary small car BMW Dixie.

A total of up to wartime production setting created in 1942, barely more than 1,800 Maybach cars. And yet, despite all the technical finesse, which was for the entrepreneur and the best designer Karl Maybach never enough, not the brand won the undying myth of some competitors.

Too many luxury brands:

Perhaps it was simply that in those years between the world wars to many luxury brands to win the favor of the rich and famous and sought above all the powerful. In Germany alone, Maybach, Mercedes and Horch fought for buyers from the club of millionaires added, were more than 20 prestigious brands from different countries. Never was a glamorous luxury automobile, the world never was bigger more expensive brands.

Despite the success curve was not a meteoric course of a few companies. Often only a brief period of glory followed the crash in bankruptcy or extinction. Rarely emerged from the star dust later, a new radiant celestial body that lit up again as a star in the firmament of luxury brands.

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