The 2010 Paris Motor Show had been stolen to a great degree by the Audi E-Tron Spyder concept. Even though it being a concept model only, yet its simple outlook coupled with a very sexy design made this car the attraction of the day at the event.
The general murmur of the people at the event was that the finished product would not match the concept look. The opinion could be translated to mean that the making of the car was more interesting as a process than what the end result did deliver.
Audi on their part allowed details of how the car was conceived and then made to the people for general consumption. Most people are not aware of the process a car is made and therefore look at these details with interest and curiosity.
A contest had been held by the company to decide the designer of the car. Seventeen people had been split up into four teams and the task was entrusted to them to come out with a design of their own. Two teams were short listed and they were provided with industrial plasticize which was to be stretched and the concept built over and around a steel frame with wood and rigid foam.
The winning design was decided upon by the management at Audi and thereafter the actual building started with carbon fiber material. Eeach of the car’s body was built by Audi employees individually. The structure was built on rigid foam and then sheets of carbon fiber covers were allowed to it. There after the parts were all hardened up, cleaned and primed up.
This is just the preliminary details of the making process while the actual and exact details can be had from video that has been posted by the people at Audi themselves.
Source: topspeed