Statistics from the statistics indicate that roughly 80% of motorcycle crashes reported produce either injuries or death. As such, it is incumbent upon all riders to take steps to ensure their safety and that of others on the roads. The following information can help you do just that.
Wearing the proper gear is critical to motorcycle safety. Opt for long pants and long-sleeved shirts made from protective fabrics, perhaps even leather. Eye protection, gloves, and heavy boots that come up past the ankle are also smart choices. During colder months, remember to layer up to stay safe from the elements.
Visibility to other drivers is another key component of motorbike safety. Using bright hues and reflective gear for both yourself and your motorcycle can go a long way toward ensuring that you are seen. Drive in the part of the road that offers optimum visibility to other motorists, and if there is ever a time that you suspect you are not being noticed by a driver, do not hesistate to honk your horn.
Always choose Department of Transportation-sanctioned, full-face helmets that are rendered in a light color, if possible. Those not wearing helmets are at double the risk of sustaining a traumatic brain injury should a crash occur. Replace helmets often — at least every five years — or anytime one suffers a serious impact.
Remain alert and avoid distractions. Because far too many drivers these days get caught up in texting and other distractions while behind the wheel, it is important for you to remain on alert for swerving, unexpected lane changes, and the like. The presence of potholes, sandy patches, railroad tracks, and other dangers must also be in the forefont of the thigns for which you are always watching.
Do not drive while impaired or at excessive speeds. A staggering 40% of all motorcyclists killed in single-vehicle events are found to have been impaired by alcohol at the time of their crash. Excessive speed has been found to play a role in roughly a third of all deadly accidents in this realm. Remaining sober and obeying posted speed limits can greatly enhance the chances of safe travels.
Should you be part of an accident and suffer damage to your bike, contact Whites Bodyworks.
Steer clear of poor weather conditions. Take the time to learn how to ride safely in inclement weather such as snow, wind, or rain, but if at all possible, try not to ride when you know bad weather is on the way.
Pursue rider education opportunities. Motorcyclists, especially new ones, ought to enroll in a motorcycle safety program. Even those who have been riding for years can benefit from classes such as those offered by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, and participation can often yield a discount on insurance premiums.
It is equally important for non-motoryclists to remember that the lion’s share of crashes with motorcyclists are not the biker’s fault. Motorcycle operators enjoy the same rights as all others with whom they share the road, so it is critical that everyone check blind spots, use their turn signals, and concentrate on the road, not on texting.