Unless you hate the color gray, you don’t like the handling, and you abhor the thought of owning a car that used to be owned by someone linked to the greatest mass murder in history, you would probably be interested in buying Stalin’s ZIS 110. This car was manufactured in 1949, and is a fantastic car to add to your collection of World War II relics.
The acronym ZIS stands for Zavod imeni Stalina which, which in turn brutally translates to “factory named after Stalin”. If you’re a big Americana gourmet, you’ll notice the stark similarity of the body’s structure. After all, the 110 is nothing but a Soviet-issue Super Eight which was manufactured in 1942. This car was originally built in the factory under the names of the Packard brothers.
Stalin used this car in parades during the last three years of his life. The mileage is pretty low, amounting to only 793 miles. If you’re a big humanitarian, though, you’d imagine Stalin saying hello to his frightened subject while driving this vehicle for 793 long miles. Currently, and ironically enough, the car resides in Kannus, Finland. If you do buy this car, we suggest that you drive to the nearest border as fast as you can.
via Jalopnik