The SSC Ultimate Aero and the Saleen S7 are the American contribution to the world of supercars. Yet the offering of variety in cars as a whole sum total, is more on the other side than in America. There is the Bugatti Veyron also for taking names that belongs to the other side by way of manufacturing place.
To shorten this gap Jeff and Carl Lemke, the founders of Mach7 Motorsports went on to introduce the Falcon supercar at the 2011 Detroit Motor Show. The car on display was at its pre-production stage. Performance checks and some finishing touches are yet due on the car but it appeared to be a car that would see light of the day.
The company has indicated that they would be building 15 Falcons every year in six monthly intervals and seven units being built at a time. Price of the car is expected to be $200,000 which is cheaper than the Saleen 7 and the SSC Ultimate Aero.
Source: topspeed