Nissan, kept promise to launch Datsun Go, hatchback only for below Rupees four lakh($9,000), it is even for the most expensive car, entry level Datsun Go, now on release it is priced only for Rupees three lakh sixty nine thousand and nine hundred ninety nine.
This is price fixed in ex-showroom price of Delhi. Nissan company targeted this time, only a first time car buyers, this means regular car buyers are expected to recommend this new car for a new buyers of a car. This Datsun Go is available in petrol, diesel and with five speed manual gearbox. Engine is a one point two litre, three cylinders.
Indirect injection unit is developing a maximum power output of sixty-eight at five thousand RPM. Normal drive, Peak torque of one hundred four Nm, at four thousand RPM, ARAI fuel efficiency rates for this, Datsun Go is twenty point six kilometers per litre.