Behold the Full-Size Wooden Replica of a Bugatti Veyron!

by SpeedLux

Everyone who has a passion for cars will know that it’s an extremely rare opportunity to own a Bugatti Veyron, partly due to the super expensive price tag and partly due to the rare number of examples built by the French automaker. However, replicas may often prove to be the ideal solution in this case. As a matter of fact, if you are, by chance, a huge fan of the Veyron, this is the real opportunity you should grasp to get the car and put it in your garage. If you are fast, you can get it for only about $3,000. However, this is a replica version we’re talking about here. It’s built in full size and its price tag is much more affordable when compared to the real deal. This is possible thanks to the replica being built entirely using wood.

Now, if you wonder where you can get this particular full-size replica of the Bugatti Veyron, you may want to head to this workshop in Indonesia. The workers that craft this replica must have really worked their hands to the bones, as you can see from the details featured in the replica. It has a working steering wheel and rims, working doors, movable shift lever and even the brake and throttle pedals are movable as well, as shown on a video footage by the Indonesia Today.

Well, honestly speaking, though, this replica won’t take you anywhere. Yet, it should make for a good collector’s item in your garage all the same. And, if you consider the price, this is a real bargain. For your information, the real Bugatti Veyron will normally cost you more than a million dollar each at the minimum. So, the price of this full-size wooden replica is nothing compared to the real thing. However, if you are not really interested in the Veyron, you can also ask this Indonesian workshop to craft other vehicle models for you, as long as they are made entirely of wood. It is, after all, the expertise of this workshop in particular and the workers here have been crafting replicas of motorbikes, classics and also other vehicles for years.

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